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"Hang on, let me pause it"

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Big Brother this week....

OK, I wasn't home over the weekend so I didn't get to watch any BB After Dark so I'm keeping myself in the dark this week as to who won POV & watching like everyone who doesn't have Showtime.  I wasn't the least bit surprised that Wenchel put up Dom & Adam but I'll be curious to see who they want's such a flip-flop with all of them when they should have put up Kahlia & Lawon!  They are the 2 biggest floaters in the house so I kind of hope that either Dom or Adam wins the POV to get them on the block.  I don't really have anything against either of them but they are "playing" the game at all so they add a boring factor.
I think my favorite player, surprisingly is Shelly, she's the mama in the house & I like her & I like Jeff but after Jordan made that dumb play not putting Brenchel on the block she moved down to my #3 spot.

I miss when BB was on Tues, Thurs, Sunday...this wait from Sunday to Wednesday seems so long!!
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1 comment:

  1. I'll bet Dom goes home tonight. If they are smart Dom will go home tonight, they need to break up him & Danielle.
