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"Hang on, let me pause it"

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dog Whisperer Week!!

This week, every night starting at 7:00 tune in to the National Geographic Channel, aka Nat Geo for a week of Cesar Millan & his canine expertise!!  Tonight at 8:00 is the 100th episode celebration of The Dog Whisperer.  Congrats to Cesar on 100 episodes!!

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Tech Week on CNBC

Hey fellow geeks & lovers of gadgets & technology...starting on Monday the 3rd we have Tech Week on CNBC!!!  Monday night at 9:30 (I believe) is a new documentary titled "Welcome to Macintosh" & each night is a new documentary through Friday the 7th.  Double check with your guides because the CNBC site is all messed up & has incorrect dates & times all over the place...kind of an oxymoron for tech week no?  Enjoy all the cool new toys!!!
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Thursday, December 23, 2010

24 Hours of Ralphie!!

True to tradition, it's the big day for 24 hours of A Christmas Story on TBS starting tomorrow night (Christmas Eve) at 8 PM!!
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Oprah is almost done!!!!

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm so very excited that Oprah is leaving regular television & starting her new network aptly called "OWN" because Oprah is the most narcissistic person I've ever seen in my life but she tries real hard to act like she isn't which only makes her even more narcissistic.  Anyway, come January 1st the Oprah Winfrey show will be over & I fully intend to celebrate by not adding her new dumb ass network to my favorites list...suck on that Oprah!
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's a Charlie Brown Christmas!

Tune in tonight for Charlie Brown Christmas on ABC at 8 PM.  At 9 PM on USA we have the 2 hour season finale of Burn Notice.  Enjoy!!

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Golden Globe 2011 Nominations

Wow, looks like it must have been a pretty boring year for movies given the nominations & as for TV's pretty much what I expected...all of my shows up against each other leaving me all confused as to who to root for!  Here's the big nominations:
Movie - Drama (I haven't seen any of them yet):
Black Swan - heard it was good so I'm rooting for this one
The Fighter
The King's Speech
The Social Network

Movie - Comedy/Musical:
Alice In Wonderland
The Kids Are All Right - has my vote!!!!
The Tourist

Actress - Drama:
Halle Berry - Frankie & Alice
Nicole Kidman - Rabbit Hole
Natalie Portman - Black Swan - rooting for this one!
Michelle Williams - Blue Valentine

Actress - Comedy/Musical:
Annette Benning - The Kids Are All Right - has my vote!!!!
Anne Hathaway - Love & Other Drugs
Angelina Jolie - The Tourist
Julianne Moore - The Kids Are All Right
Emma Stone - Easy A

Actor - Drama (I have no opinion):
Jesse Eisenberg - The Social Network
Colin Firth - The King's Speech
James Franco - 127 Hours
Ryan Gosling - Blue Valentine
Mark Wahlberg - The Fighter

Actor - Comedy/Musical (again, no opinion):
Johnny Depp - Alice in Wonderland
Johnny Depp - The Tourist
Paul Giamatti - Barney's Version
Jake Gyllenhaal - Love & Other Drugs
Kevin Spacey - Casino Jack

TV - Drama:
Boardwalk Empire
Dexter - go Dexter!!
The Good Wife
Mad Men
The Walking Dead

TV - Comedy/Musical:
30 Rock
The Big Bang Theory
The Big C
Modern Family - go Modern Family!!
Nurse Jackie

Actress - Drama:
Julianna Margulies - The Good Wife
Elisabeth Moss - Mad Men - go Elisabeth!!
Piper Perabo - Covert Affairs
Katey Segal - Sons of Anarchy
Kyra Sedgwick - The Closer

Actor - Drama:
Steve Buscemi - Boardwalk Empire
Bryan Cranston - Breaking Bad
Michael C. Hall - Dexter - go Michael!!
John Hamm - Mad Men
Hugh Laurie - House

Actress - Comedy/Musical:
Toni Collette - U.S. of Tara - go Toni!!
Edie Falco - Nurse Jackie
Tina Fey - 30 Rock
Laura Linney - The Big C
Lea Michele - Glee

Actor - Comedy/Musical:
Alec Baldwin - 30 Rock - go Alec!!
Steve Carell - The Office
Thomas Jane - Hung
Matthew Morrison - Glee
Jim Parsons - The Big Bang Theory

For the full list of nominees click this
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Michael C. Hall & Jennifer Carpenter Split

They haven't even been married for 2 years & they've apparently been separated for a while already...seriously?  So do you guys think that she started bugging the shit out of him the way she does the rest of us?  Perhaps it was her lack of tits or the fact that they play siblings on TV?  Maybe him going through & overcoming Hodgkins lymphoma was just too much for her to handle, who knows but I'm sure he was grateful to have her in his life during that time.  Anyway, they are done so maybe now she can be killed off on the can hope right?

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Dexter finale follow up!

As most of you did I tuned in for the season 5 finale of Dexter last night & man was it good.  This season paled in comparison to last season that is for sure but it was still really interesting & had plenty of cliffhangers to keep me enthralled throughout.  I wasn't so sure about how I felt with the whole Lumen/Dexter saga that progressed & the romance it turned into but by the end of the season I was really hoping that perhaps Dexter had finally found someone, someone who could support his dark passenger but obviously, that wasn't the case.  It seemed as though Dexter also hoped for the same thing from her & when he didn't get it that upset me too.

I thought the whole Deb letting them go thing seemed a bit odd...Deb being such the solver that she is I thought that at the very least she would want to see who the vigilantes were, didn't you?  I mean, Dexter has to be figured out sooner or later doesn't he?  Ahh, I'm already nervous for next season!!

Now the whole Dexter/Quinn ordeal was pretty interesting too because Dexter really hates Quinn with a passion so part of me kind of thought that Dexter might have the finger point right at Quinn for Liddy's demise just to get him out of his hair, especially since he knew that Quinn was out to get him with this Liddy guy but I guess his love for his sister took over & he did the right thing.
God only knows where next season could go but I do know that it will also be great & I definitely look forward to it!!
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dexter finale tonight!!

I can't believe it's here already, this season of Dexter is drawing to a close tonight so tune in & find out what happens...ugh, the suspense is killing me (no pun intended)!! Tune in to Showtime tonight at 9:00.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's a Wonderful Life

The Christmas classic It's a Wonderful Life airs tonight on NBC at 8 PM.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Top Chef Allstars!!

I've been saying that they should do one of these for a while now so I'm super excited that they finally are having a season of people who didn't make the cut in the past, well mostly I'm super excited to see Tre again & see what his fine ass has to dish up!  You can see more about who's on the show & what to expect here.  So tune in tonight to Bravo! at 10:00 for Top Chef Allstars.

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ANTM Finale tonight!

Duh, how could I forget?  I actually watch America's Next Top Model & I'm rooting for awkward Anne...Chelsey is a little too full of herself.  Who are you rooting for?  Tune in tonight at 8 on the CW to see if your girl is the skinny winner!

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Nothing is on...or off this week!

We had the Victoria's Secret fashion show last night (I was a bit underwhelmed, I preferred past shows) and other than that there's really not much to report until Sunday when we get the new season of Gene Simmon's Family Jewels on A&E.  Then, up on Monday we get a new season of Tabatha's Salon Takeover on Bravo! and The Sing Off on NBC.  I'm afraid that we are about to pull into rerun season which really sucks but hopefully we'll all have other things going on over the holidays so we won't notice that there's nothing on TV.
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