Richard Blais
& I'm so happy about this outcome. Mike was a pretty sore loser which bugged the crap out of me when they announced Richard as the winner but come on...Richard is a far better chef than Mike all the way around. Initially I was rooting for Trey or Carla but once they were both gone & it was down to the final three I didn't care who won so long as it wasn't Mike & it wasn't!
Now I might not be a Mike fan but I'm telling you, that meat with the pepperoni sauce looked so damn good I could practically taste it through the TV. I would also like to put out there the fact that these chefs never have a dessert ready to go...especially with these chefs who have been on the show before, how could they not have 5 ready to go desserts when they arrive? Personally, when Richard said he was making Captain Crunch ice cream I was so excited but when he switched it to the foie gras ice cream it ruined the whole meal for me but I wasn't eating it anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter! I also thought Mike's dessert looked gross but gelatinous isn't my thing at all.