We are only 2 episodes in & I'm in love with this season. Eddie is a freaking nut job & I'm really curious to see how him BFFing Jackie's husband Kevin will turn out. O'Hara coming in to work high on X was priceless as was seeing goody two shoes Zoey making a walk of shame in to work!
Having Arjun back makes me kind of nervous because drug people can smell their own & he's totally on to Jackie in a big way. Between him & Coop Jackie is bound to have a freak out & some information of some kind is going to leak out...like the fact that she's married with kids. I still find it very odd that nobody in the hospital aside from O'Hara knows that Jackie has a family & why does she keep it a secret? Her husband or kids never call her or come in to her work to visit? What if something happened to one of her kids & they were brought in to the hospital, would she own up to it then & how can Akalitus not know I mean wouldn't HR have record of her being married? I'm sure we'll find out why she keeps it secret sooner or later because I know it's not just because of Eddie.
Aside from the fake eye I really like Thor but with him and all that cake & diabetes I worry that something will happen to him & I don't want him to go away. I really enjoy Peter Facinelli in this role because as a vampire doctor he looks like an idiot so I prefer the pervy twitter doctor & I will admit that I enjoy the way Jackie treats him. He really has no bedside manner whatsoever & doesn't pay attention to anything half the time. I also feel about Grace & all of her worries all of the time so I hope they are able to get her some help before she grows up all effed up.