Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friggin Dexter!
OMG, this season has been so impressive and it just keeps getting more and more intense! There are only 2 episodes left and I'm on the edge of my seat and have been since the middle of the season. Tonight was certainly no exception & all I have to say is thank God Dexter was able to complete part of his mission but that Trinity gets more and more creepy and smart every single episode. Last week I was totally thrown to find out that the reporter chick is his daughter & learning more about the two of them tonight was definitely key info. I cannot wait to see how this all plays out & I hope that next season stays on the same note & isn't boring like the 3rd season. Now I'm off to watch Californication, I'm totally loving this whole Rick Springfield storyline.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Ok so last night after work I got home & watched the AMA's & thank god I opted to DVR them...it took me 46 minutes to watch the entire 3 hours because I skipped all the awards & annoying performances by Green Day & that hot country singer that's married to one of the weirdest women in showbiz, what is is name? I paused just to see his face for a second (because it's a nice one)...oh yeah, ok, sorry there...Keith Urban is his name. Anyway, Rihanna's performance was kind of blah, I started FF about half way through, I really enjoyed Jay Z's, Lady GaGa's, and The Black Eyed Peas. Everyone else (including Whitney) was either blah, boring, or I just don't like them so I skipped it for that reason.
Now, we need to discuss J-Lo & Adam Lambert of course. Let's start with J-Lo, first of all can I say that her song that she sang is terrible...it reminded me of Womanizer, like I need to hear her say "Louboutin's" 30 times in one song? I was really looking forward to watching her fall & was hoping that she might just bounce a little across the stage due to her large firm booty but no such luck! J-Lo is a great performer in the fact that she just jumped right up & kept on cruising, like she should have...it wasn't very noticeable that she had fallen, I was waiting for it so of course I saw it but I know some people who didn't catch it. I can say for sure that nobody on the West coast saw it & that is bull shit...why is she so awesome that her flaws get edited out for everyone on that side of the country?
Now Adam...who makes the gay Adams I know look like the Marlboro Man! His performance was pretty whack to say the least. I don't think it made sense first of all, I couldn't tell if the song was pop or 80's rock or maybe an amped up show tune! Him having the guy look like he was blowing him, making out with that other guy, being groped by chicks & having a chick appear to be blowing him didn't bother me one bit. I say have at it, do whomever you want but don't let it ruin your performance. He was so focused on all the shock value that I think he lost site of the task at hand...when he jumped over that guy & was rolling all over the stage & you could hear the stage banging against his mic...not entertaining. Trying to keep an eye on him as he moved all over in a quick motion...not entertaining & most of all, looking at his tongue hanging out every single time he held his mouth open...really not entertaining at all. Given the title of the track "For Your Entertainment" I'd have to say that I was in fact not entertained at all. For a second I kind of thought I was listening to Skid Row...which is fine, so long as it is in fact Skid Row!
Can I please ask, what is with Rihanna's tattoo down the center of her chest? WTF does it say & who the hell would seriously put a tat there? It's going to ruin her whole fashion icon image that she's been rocking, IMHO anyway! Speaking of her fashions I really did enjoy this mohawk & Leeloo style outfit with the sweet ass lights in the shoulder pads. How can I get an outfit with lights in the shoulder pads because I think that would be awesome! What I wold like even more though is her banging body that can sport said Leeloo outfit better than Milla herself & the only reason I say that is Rihanna has curves & Milla doesn't. Speaking of curves...what was with Gaga's gear? I know she usually dresses awful but that costume did nothing for her at all, she looked worse than I have ever seen but her face didn't look as scary as it usually does.

American Music Awards
Friday, November 20, 2009
Project Runway Finale!

I will say though is that her model Kaylen was my favorite of all of the models so I'm happy that she won.

So my other complaint about the show as a whole is that Michael Kors & Nina Garcia were hardly ever there to judge so how can they be there in the finale to judge these collections & act like they've watched these girls grow when in fact they have hardly been around at all. One more thing...the funniest thing about this episode was the guest judge Suzy Menkes & her "Something About Mary" hairstyle & noticeable mustache, how can someone who looks like this be a judge of anything related to fashion?
If you are afraid that you are going to go through Runway withdrawals don't worry, the new season is starting on January 17th!!
Project Runway,
Season / Series Finales
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Scrubs...
First of all let me say that I didn't like the first Scrubs & when I heard it was being canceled I was very happy that I would no longer be running across it when flipping channels during prime time. Well, last night I was watching Modern Family & saw a commercial for the new season of Scrubs with an all new class! Well, this annoyed me of course but I know that there are some people who like this show so if you want to check out "Scrubs: The New Class" (not actually called that but I'm a SBTB fan) then you will be able to find it on Tuesdays at 9 pm on ABC starting December 1, for more (it looks like some of the old cast will be involved) info click this!

Season / Series Premieres
Top Chef is getting tight
Oh man, Top Chef is getting crazy now & I'm getting nervous for the remaining chefs. My 2 favorites are still remaining and I'm rooting for Kevin to take it all...Bryan is 2nd & really I don't care much for Jen or Michael purely because of their attitude. For me, food is a lot about attitude not just cooking & neither of those two ever smile or seem to enjoy what they are doing one bit so how the hell are people supposed to enjoy your cooking when you don't appear to enjoy cooking it or don't stand by what you cooked. See, Kevin is often criticized for making food that is too simple but guess what? It always tastes good and he's always happy to serve his food, to explain his food, and he always stands by his dish regardless of what the judges have to say. I think Bryan is similar to Kevin in his attitude as well but the difference between these two is that Bryan makes more "fancy" food & has way more techniques than Kevin does. What's more important taste or skill? For me it's taste, I don't care how pretty your plate is because I'm going to demolish it when I eat everything on it!!

Top Chef
ANTM Winner is...
So I watched the finale of America's Next Top Model last night and like I said in the previous post, I would be cool with whomever won but I totally lied. I was extremely disappointed with the outcome, which was Laura losing. I think Nicole is a good model in photos but her walk is awful and the girl has zero personality & those are 2 of the 3 most important things in modeling. Laura on the other hand is amazing in photos, has a great walk, and she has the best personality I've ever seen, her only flaw is the way she dresses. Well, I guess my pick can't win every season but this really bums me out! I wonder if next season they will do all plus size models? When is this show going to end? I mean, how many out of work top models can she keep creating? I do see some of the girls in the occasional ad, commercial, or movie/TV show, but 95% of the time it's girls who didn't win. I never see the winner in any Cover Girl ads even though they supposedly have a contract with them but whatever, I'm sure I will be seeing Laura all over the place!! So, congrats Nicole, you grew a lot but I still don't think you deserve it so make sure you really work it & earn what you won.

Season / Series Finales
Friday, November 13, 2009
ANTM Final 2!
OMG, last night's episode was kind of scary for me...I haven't been too impressed with this season of America's Next Top Model but with a cast of short chicks I couldn't pass it up! So, from the get go I've been rooting for Laura, the southern girl who lives on a farm & castrates bulls for a living (that's her in the photo) and I'm so happy that she's in the final 2. The 2 girls I couldn't stand went home & the 2 girls I liked the most are the top 2 for the finale this coming week so regardless of who wins I'll be happy although I still hope it's Laura. The other girl Nicole is kind of awkward & her personality in person is kind of meh but then there's Laura who has a thick southern accent but is super bubbly & friendly in person. When it comes to photos it's a toss up because they both take beautiful pictures and judging by the preview for the finale they both appear to struggle with their Cover Girl commercials so I'm guessing the final straw is going to be the runway show.
They are doing a runway show in Hawaii for a designer that I can't recall at the moment but it looks like a good show with water & wind & fire & all that fun stuff so I hope Laura can rock it but if she doesn't win I won't be totally upset. The finale airs Wednesday the 18th at 8 pm on The CW, for more info or to watch full episodes check the link to the CW on the left side of the page.
They are doing a runway show in Hawaii for a designer that I can't recall at the moment but it looks like a good show with water & wind & fire & all that fun stuff so I hope Laura can rock it but if she doesn't win I won't be totally upset. The finale airs Wednesday the 18th at 8 pm on The CW, for more info or to watch full episodes check the link to the CW on the left side of the page.

Season / Series Finales
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
9021 Oh this is getting stupid!

Monday, November 9, 2009
Mad Men Season 3 Finale
So this season of Mad Men ends with mixed emotions for me. First of all let me say that I'm happy with how the company ended up, everyone back together working for themselves & each other the way they used to. It's good to have Joan back with the guys, Peggy standing up for herself, Don realizing what a prick he'd been, and him & Roger repairing their bond. I will say that Don & Betty actually splitting up doesn't sit well with me...sure he's a lying cheating son of a bitch though almost all of the guys were & their wives just looked the other way but even though he had affair after affair I still always loved the way he loved her. If I were her I'd leave him too, given not only the infidelity but more so his lies about who he really is, not emotionally but literally...that would really bother me to be married to someone & not even know their real name!! Still, for shows sake, I prefer them together dammit probably because I don't like this other guy (Henry) she's about to shack up with & though I don't like kids I feel bad for them. Speaking of kids, can I just say that their kids are so well behaved the majority of the time, they listen when spoken to, do what they are told & don't talk back...you know why? Spanking & honestly, I really wish people still practiced it because too many kids know there are no actual consequences to their actions so they just behave however they want & mom can shake a finger & say no but I'll bet if she slapped them upside the head they would actually stop. Kids no longer fear their parents! Anyway, that's off topic but I needed to make the point.

Mad Men
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Don't Be Tardy!!
So tonight is the big night where we get to watch Kim perform her hit song Don't Be Tardy for the Party for the very first time. Now this song was a very controversial topic of this season & I'll be very curious to hear the comments from the rest of the cast after she's done. I did see in the previews that Kandi obviously admits to using the auto-tune but I'm dying to hear her answer Andy's question "do you think Kim is tone deaf", Kandi isn't the lying type so I'll be curious to hear her response. They should also be talking about how all the gay men in the ATL seemed to be rocking high heels & I'm very curious about that as well. If you haven't seen the first half of the reunion it's on at 8:00 before this part 2 airs at 9:00 and after that is over you can catch the first episode of the new season of Real Housewives of Orange County at 10:00.

Real Housewives
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Ashlee Simpson-Wentz & THE Cute Guy Axed

photo courtesy tvguide.com

Melrose Place
V is Back
As if the first round of V wasn't freaking creepy enough ABC has decided to remake it. I have no plans of watching it but far be it from me to stop you. I vaguely remember the first round of this show & those memories are creepy ones, but I thought it was initially a mini-series & not a full on TV drama but I could be wrong. I haven't read anything about this show (it does have a decent cast) so I don't know if they are remaking it or basing this off the first one & nor do I really care but if you want to know more about the show click here! The show premieres tonight at 8 EST on ABC.
photo courtesy of abc.com
Season / Series Premieres,
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