Last night was the 4th season finale of Dexter and the 3rd season finale of Californication and both of them were really good! Let's start off with Dexter which completely blew my mind and had me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire episode and then at the end, I think it's pretty safe to say that I fell out of it! In the beginning, Christine had just killed herself & Deb was back at the office trying to piece things together when Batista told her to go home & take the day off which she opted to spend with one of her dad's C.I.'s who took her to the home of another C.I. which ended up being the house that the Ice Truck Killer (aka Brian, Biney) took her to back in season one. This obviously stirred up a lot in Deb who began searching the history behind the connection between the C.I. and Brian which led to her discovering that Dexter was actually the brother of the Ice Truck Killer & that his mother was killed in front of him & his brother.
While this was going on Dexter followed Trinity from the police station to the bank & in the process side swiped some guy who wasn't happy about it. While Trinity was in the bank Dexter hid behind his van & when Trinity approached he got him in the neck with his "kill juice" and pulled him in the back of the van. Dexter discovered that Trinity had closed his bank accounts & knew that he was planning on taking off so he obviously got to him just in time. As this whole process was going on the cops & the side swiped guy showed up and Dexter hit the guy & ended up in jail...with Trinity unconscious in the back of the van. Well, Dex got out of jail & Trinity was gone...he had gone home & terrorized his family & took anything worth value from the house & bailed.
Once back to the office Deb got on the trail that missing boys were also part of Trinity's cycle so she questioned the boy who was kidnapped & returned to his parents (thanks to Dexter) and this is where she found out about Trinity's involvement with the Four Walls builds. The crew went to the most recent build with dogs & discovered a dead boy buried in the porch cement & then were able to zero in on who Trinity really was (not the trucker they were looking for) & where he lived. When the police & SWAT arrived at Trinity's house Dexter (Kyle) was actually there looking for Trinity and hid in the garage & when he was found he noted he was there with homicide & even though he was there ahead of everyone else they seemed puzzled but let it go. While at the house Deb told Dexter about his mother & brother & of course Dexter already knew but he played it off like he didn't & acted very disturbed by the information all the while knowing that Trinity was on the road & he had to find & kill him!
Skipping all the bull shit Dexter caught up to Trinity & finally killed him (with his own hammer) & it was great to see him finally go down, I think I felt as liberated as Dexter did to be honest. Well, Dexter went & disposed of the body as he always does & then headed home to grab his bag so he could head to the Keys to meet up with Rita & Harrison. When he got home he had a voicemail from Rita saying that she forgot the plane tickets & had to come back home & then take a later flight so Dexter called her and when he did her phone was ringing inside the house. Dexter got up & found her purse in the chair with her phone in it & then Harrison started crying & Dexter walked into the bathroom to find Rita dead in the tub after having bled out (just like Trinity's sister & many victims) & poor Harrison sitting in a pool of blood on the floor. Rita was Trinity's final kill & the baby sitting in all that blood took Dexter back to where it all started...when his mother was killed in front of him & he was left in that pool of her blood as well.
This honestly shocked the hell out of me & I'm not sure why because earlier in the season I thought that Trinity was going to kill Rita although I really wanted him to kill Deb because I just don't freaking like her! I was finally getting used to Rita & liking them as a couple but now, what's going to happen? I mean is Dexter really supposed to be a single dad of three with a more than full time job & a killing habit on the side? I can't wait to see where season 5 takes this story because now all the balls are in the air, everything will change & I'm still a bit traumatized by Rita being murdered like that but I get it, Trinity couldn't just let Dexter do what he was going to do without making him pay for it first. Poor Harrison, poor Astor & Cody, and poor Dexter who was finally becoming a human with emotions & who truly & unexpectedly loved his family. I'm pretty sure that next season we will see a completely different Dexter who is even more effed up than he has been these past 4 seasons. Ok, the countdown begins...just about 8.5 months until the next season!!