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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gone Too Far...

I just finished watching Gone Too Far and it was very reminiscent of Intervention (which I love) except that Adam (DJ AM) was a mentor to Amy who is the subject of the first episode.  Through the whole episode I was just drawn to Adam and heard every word he said & most of them made me think "should have taken his own advice" but that's not what I think.  I certainly don't think of him as a hypocrite though I'm sure others do, I just think that an addict is an addict & they can relapse at any time even if they've been clean for 30 years.  Personally I think he did kill himself because"acute intoxication" sounds like he took too many drugs & considering that they said he had an Oxy in his mouth undissolved and had taken like 6 more & that my friend is not an accidental overdose!  It totally broke my heart to watch him learn all about this girl & connect with her & help her get her life back as well as the family's life knowing that even though he did something wonderful for them he wont be around to see her still (hopefully) sober 5 years down the road.  He said he didn't get clean until he was 25 so he had been sober for 11 years & still fell off that horse & lost his life. I really hope that people do see him as being a life saver rather than a hypocrite & they see the good he does for these addicts & most of all I hope the addicts learn something from his death.  R.I.P DJ AM & thanks for making a difference in the short amount of time you spent on this earth.

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