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"Hang on, let me pause it"

Monday, May 27, 2013

Spend Memorial Day with Nat Geo!

Happy Memorial Day everyone...a big thank you to those who have served our country!!  Speaking of the military The National Geographic Channel has plenty going on today to satisfy all of your needs.

Tonight from 7:00 to 10:00 it's Inside Wold War II which begins at the 1936 Olympics in pre-war Germany and culminates with the Nazi concentration camps, Hitler's suicide in 1945 & Hiroshima.  Inside World War II connects testimonies from servicemen from various countries with archival footage.  This is sure to be an amazing special with tons of footage and in depth interviews so be sure to tune in to The National Geographic Channel at 7:00 PM so you don't miss a moment.  For more about this and other special check out

Following this special at 10:00 it's another special called American Heroes Fishing Challenge which follows a group of veterans who were recently wounded in Afghanistan & who are competing in the Martha's Vineyard Stiped Bass & Bluefish Derby with 3,000 others.  This fishing trip is a jump-start to their healing process and I have a feeling will be a great special so if you want to learn more about it click here or just tune in to Nat Geo at 10:00.

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