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"Hang on, let me pause it"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Small Town Security...series recording anyone?

I just got a moment to sit down & watch a new show that is brought to us by the genius network responsible for Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead...etc but this show, it's a little bit different because it's a reality show.  Small Town Security is about a small town security company (they are actually the only security company in their county) that trains their new staff with videos from the 80's and who are anything but run of the mill. This group of people are one hell of a mixed bag of nuts starting with the Chief, Joan & her husband the Captian, Erwin Koplan.  Joan is a firecracker who always has eye makeup issues & lipstick on her teeth, Erwin looks like he has a toupee but it's really a poor dye job & he's a hoarder in his office.  The phone is constantly ringing, Joan is always yelling "who isn't answering the phone" while her dog Lambchop barks like crazy.  

Joan runs the the point that her Lieutenant/houseboy Dennis brings her cigars & lights them for her.  When she was young she was a singer followed by an actor and then she became a police officer & ran for Sheriff...she lost.  After flipping through the channels she decided to have her own public access talk show which was quite controversial for it's sex talk and that's why her it was cancelled (she says she quit).  Next, the logical thing to do was open her own security company!  Dennis goes above & beyond the call of duty as he lives on the premises of the security company & he takes his job EXTREMELY seriously doing his daily checks and being visible all the time.  Dennis has a crazy freaking story...he trained as a cadet from the age of 13 & then went into the military and after getting married his family (3 boys) left the military & lived in a tepee away from the world stocking up on food, guns & ammo in fear of Y2K.  Once that was a bust they came back to society & he went to work for the security company...well there's something important the show left out until the end.  

Joan got her public access show back & for her first episode she showed a clip from the first episode of her original talk show with an interview with Lt. Denise who works for Joan & identifies as a heterosexual man.  After the clip she invited out Dennis but as soon as I saw Denise it all clicked in my head.  This show is crazy, from the uniform guy who also provides the staff with recycled porn mags to the secretary who will not clean the bathroom, trust me when I say that this show is one that you must check out!!

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